How to Reset Dodge Charger Computer: Step-by-Step Guide

How to Reset Dodge Charger Computer

To reset the Dodge Charger computer, disconnect the negative battery terminal and wait 15 minutes. Reconnect the terminal to complete the reset.

Resetting the computer in a Dodge Charger can solve various performance issues. This simple process helps clear error codes and restore factory settings. Regular resets can optimize engine performance and fuel efficiency. It is a straightforward task that requires minimal tools and time.

Car owners often reset their vehicle’s computer to address minor glitches or after installing new components. Understanding how to reset the computer can save you a trip to the mechanic. Always ensure the car is off and parked safely before starting. This guide provides a quick, effective way to maintain your Dodge Charger’s optimal performance.

How to Reset Dodge Charger Computer: Step-by-Step Guide


Preparing For The Reset

Resetting the computer of your Dodge Charger can improve performance. Before starting the reset, it’s crucial to prepare properly. This ensures a smooth process and prevents any potential issues. Let’s dive into the necessary steps for preparation.

Safety Precautions

Safety is the top priority when working on your car. Always follow these precautions:

  • Park your car on a flat surface.
  • Engage the parking brake.
  • Turn off the engine and remove the key.
  • Disconnect the negative battery cable to prevent electrical shocks.
  • Wear safety gloves and goggles to protect yourself.

Tools Needed

Gather all the necessary tools before starting the reset. This makes the process quicker and smoother:

WrenchTo disconnect the battery cable
Safety GlovesTo protect your hands
Safety GogglesTo protect your eyes
Owner’s ManualFor specific instructions

Having these tools ready ensures you won’t face any delays. Always refer to your Dodge Charger’s owner’s manual for specific details.

How to Reset Dodge Charger Computer: Step-by-Step Guide


Locating The Battery

To reset the Dodge Charger computer, you must locate the battery. The battery is crucial for this process. Understanding its location saves time and effort.

Battery Location

The Dodge Charger battery is in the trunk. This unique placement differs from other cars. Knowing this helps in finding it quickly.

Accessing The Battery

Accessing the battery is simple. Follow these steps:

  1. Open the trunk of your Dodge Charger.
  2. Remove the trunk liner to reveal the battery.
  3. Locate the battery on the right side.

Ensure you have the necessary tools. You will need a wrench or socket set. This will help in disconnecting the battery terminals.

1Open trunk
2Remove trunk liner
3Locate battery on right

Once you locate and access the battery, you can proceed with resetting the computer. Remember to handle the battery with care. Disconnect the negative terminal first to ensure safety.


Disconnecting The Battery

Resetting your Dodge Charger’s computer can solve many issues. One way to reset the computer is by disconnecting the battery. This method is simple but requires some care. Below, we’ll guide you through the process step by step.

Safety Measures

Before you start, ensure you follow these safety measures:

  • Wear protective gloves to avoid any electrical shock.
  • Ensure the car is parked on a level surface.
  • Turn off the ignition and remove the key.
  • Keep any metal objects away from the battery terminals.

Disconnecting Steps

  1. Locate the battery under the hood.
  2. Identify the negative terminal (usually marked with a “-” sign).
  3. Use a wrench to loosen the nut on the negative terminal.
  4. Remove the cable from the negative terminal and set it aside.
  5. Wait for at least 15 minutes to allow the computer to reset.
  6. Reattach the negative cable to the terminal and tighten the nut.

These steps will help reset your Dodge Charger’s computer. Always ensure safety first!

Performing The Reset

Resetting the Dodge Charger computer can solve many issues. Follow these steps to reset the computer. This process can help with performance or electronic issues.

Waiting Period

First, disconnect the car battery. Use a wrench to remove the negative terminal. Wait for at least 15 minutes. This time is crucial for a complete reset. It allows the computer to discharge completely.

Reconnecting The Battery

After the waiting period, reconnect the battery. Attach the negative terminal back. Use your wrench to secure it tightly. Now, your Dodge Charger computer is reset. Start the car to check if the reset worked.

Starting The Vehicle

Resetting the Dodge Charger computer can solve many issues. After resetting, you must start the vehicle to check if the reset worked. This process is simple but very important.

Initial Startup

First, insert your key into the ignition. Turn the key to the “On” position, but don’t start the engine yet. Wait for all dashboard lights to turn on and then off. This lets the computer run initial checks.

Next, turn the key to start the engine. Listen for any unusual sounds. The engine should start smoothly. If it doesn’t, there might be other issues.

Checking For Issues

After starting the engine, observe the dashboard lights. All warning lights should turn off. If any lights stay on, there might be a problem. Check the owner’s manual for specific light meanings.

Let the engine idle for a few minutes. Listen for any strange noises. The engine should run smoothly without any hiccups. If you hear unusual sounds, turn off the vehicle and check under the hood.

Take the car for a short drive. Pay attention to how it runs. The reset should improve performance. If not, you may need to consult a mechanic.

Post-reset Procedures

Resetting the computer in your Dodge Charger can enhance performance. It’s essential to follow specific post-reset procedures to ensure everything works smoothly. This section will guide you through these steps.

Reprogramming Settings

After a reset, you must reprogram various settings in your Dodge Charger. These settings include:

  • Radio presets: Re-enter your favorite stations.
  • Seat memory: Set your preferred seat positions.
  • Mirror adjustments: Adjust mirrors to your liking.
  • Climate control: Reconfigure temperature settings.

Ensure you save each setting properly. This will avoid any future inconvenience.

Test Drive

Take your Dodge Charger for a test drive after reprogramming. This helps ensure all systems are functioning correctly.

  1. Start the car and let it idle for a few minutes.
  2. Check for any unusual sounds or warning lights.
  3. Drive at different speeds to test performance.
  4. Monitor the dashboard for any error messages.

This process will help you detect any issues early. It ensures your Charger runs smoothly post-reset.

1Let the car idle.
2Check for warning lights.
3Drive at different speeds.
4Monitor for errors.


Resetting the Dodge Charger computer can solve many issues. Troubleshooting helps identify and fix these problems. Here are some common issues and tips on when to seek help.

Common Issues

Several issues may require a computer reset in your Dodge Charger:

  • Check Engine Light: The light stays on even after addressing the problem.
  • Poor Performance: The car runs rough or has reduced power.
  • Transmission Problems: Shifting issues or delayed responses.
  • Electrical Malfunctions: Problems with the radio, lights, or dashboard.

A computer reset can resolve these common issues quickly.

When To Seek Help

Sometimes a reset may not fix the problem. Seek professional help in these situations:

  1. Persistent Issues: Problems continue after multiple resets.
  2. Complex Electrical Problems: Issues with wiring or sensors.
  3. Warning Lights: Multiple warning lights are on simultaneously.

Consult a certified mechanic if you encounter these signs. They have the tools and expertise to diagnose and repair your Dodge Charger.

Check Engine LightReset the computer
Poor PerformanceCheck and reset the computer
Transmission ProblemsReset the computer or consult a mechanic
Electrical MalfunctionsReset the computer or consult a mechanic
How to Reset Dodge Charger Computer: Step-by-Step Guide


Frequently Asked Questions

How To Factory Reset A Dodge Charger?

To factory reset a Dodge Charger, disconnect the battery, wait 10 minutes, then reconnect it. This resets the system.

How Do I Manually Reset My Car Computer?

Disconnect the car battery’s negative terminal for 10-15 minutes. Reconnect it and start your car. This resets the computer.

How Do I Reset My Dodge Ecu?

To reset your Dodge ECU, disconnect the battery for 15 minutes. Reconnect and start the engine. Drive normally.

Can I Reset My Ecu Myself?

Yes, you can reset your ECU yourself. Disconnect the battery, wait 15 minutes, then reconnect it.


Resetting your Dodge Charger computer can solve many performance issues. Follow these steps to ensure a smooth reset process. Regular maintenance and resets can enhance your vehicle’s performance. Always consult your manual or a professional if unsure. Keep your Charger running efficiently with these simple tips.

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